Thursday, December 15, 2016

Maevn Scrubs.. Love at First Touch!

So as many of you know, scrubs are a nurse's best friend, along with many other things we need to survive a work day. However, when it comes to comfort and looking good, scrubs mean everything when you're at work saving lives! 

There are plenty of scrub lines out there, some better than others, but at the end of the day, it is all about how it makes you look and feel. 
Confidence goes a long way!

"When I'm having a rough day at work, but I look at my watch 
& get juiced because it's almost time to clock out!" 

I had the opportunity to try out Maevn Scrubs #maevenscrubs and I am IN LOVE with their EON Line. I am a curvy girl with hips and thighs, which I am growing to love each day, but with that being said, I normally wear bottoms such as jeans, that are have a stretch material to give me that extra room to be able to move around and still feel comfortable in what I am wearing. When I received the EON line top and bottom, (I'll list below with links, specifically what I am wearing) the first thing that caught my attention, other than the color because I chose that lovely CHERRY RED, was how soft the material felt. I put the scrubs on and immediately loved how comfortable it felt and how easy I was able to move around! Check out my video below!

"When it's almost time to clock out, I do a little dance because I know my bed is calling my name!" 

The EON line features their COOLMAX fabric, which allows us nurses to work hard and run around AND SWEAT without needing to feel self conscious of any sweat marks, but also keeps us cool and dry while at work. MOISTURE WICKING = Pulls moisture away from your skin. The material is also LIGHTWEIGHT which allows us nurses to move around as needed when we were taking care of our patients at work!

The EON line has a wide range of colors to choose from, especially fun and bright colors, which I tend to gravitate towards more often.

Wash and Dry:
The EON line is wash and wear! Yes wash and wear. As for me, I am not a huge fan of ironing clothes. I can throw these scrubs in the wash and dryer without the need to iron! #HappyGirl

What did I love most? 
Aside from being so comfortable, these scrubs had pockets galore! Without pockets, I would be lost as a nurse. The top has TWO pockets in the front, along with a pocket you can put your cell phone! The bottoms have an amazing yoga waistband which is something I normally do not buy because I love a half garter with drawstring in order to keep my pants in place, but I found that with this yoga waistline stays in place and still allows me to be able to move without needing to adjust my drawstring!

Last but not least, PRICING! 
Tops start at $22 & Bottoms start at $26, which is a steal compared to a lot of scrub lines out there! Definitely worth the price! You will not be disappointed.

Check out their website on the link below!
Website: EON Line

Here are the links to the top and bottom that I am wearing!
Top: Active - Back Mesh Panel Shaped V-Neck Top
Bottom: Active - PURE® Yoga 7-Pocket Scrub Pant
Store Locator: Find Maevn Scrubs Near You!

Make sure to check it out by clicking the links above! 

To all my nurses and future nurses out there, think of scrubs as a little treat for yourself, because "when you look good, you feel good!" And as nurses, we must take care of ourselves! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tips for Nursing Interviews

Since it's December and I know many nursing students are finishing up their semester with finals and some are even graduating this month, I wanted to share some QUICK TIPS for nursing interviews! Good luck to all the future RNs out there! YOU GOT THIS!

1. Look the part!
Make sure you are well groomed. I have a nose ring, but I make sure to remove this before interviews. Ladies, wear makeup, but do not go overboard with it. Just enough to show you are presentable. I had a charge nurse tell me later that she loved my eyebrows and during my interview, she could not pay attention to anything I said because she was "distracted" by how nice my eyebrows looked. Now obviously having nice eyebrows and distracting her was not the goal, but she remembered who I was and made sure to point out my "nice eyebrows" to another charge nurse on my first day of orientation. lol Make sure your hair does not distract you during your interview or you are tempted to "play with your hair." I try to make sure my nails are cut and clean. I love a good manicure and gel polish, but for interviews, I avoid any type of polish! Also make sure you are wearing something comfortable but professional. Make sure your clothes are ironed or dry cleaned. You want to dress to impress!

2. Bring extra copies of your resume, cover letter, and references.
You want to make sure you are prepared for who will be in your interview. I have interviewed with just the unit manager, the unit manager and assistant manager, and I also had a panel interview with the unit manager and 6 charge nurses. Having extra copies on hand will show the manager and who ever else is in the interview that you are well prepared.

I will be posting soon about tips for resumes and also allowing people to send me their resumes for a free "clean up" and edit. Stay tuned! 

3. Put your paperwork in a nice folder. 
I remember a nurse manager from a PALS certification class told the students that the folders applicants put their papers in can sometimes play a factor. I have been in interviews where they remove the folders and give it right back to me, while some do keep it. I think it just goes along with showing the manager you care about the "whole package." Do not go out there and spend so much on folders but consider the "whole package."

4. Practice interview questions.
I will post another blog of example questions that I was asked during nursing interviews, as well as give some examples of my own questions and answers that I typed out and practiced. You do not want to sound "rehearsed" during your interview; however, you do want to sound like you know what you are talking about and do not get stumped on a question that you should know how to answer. A lot of things can be simple as "describe yourself." I would take the time to write out what you would say and have someone proofread it or hear you say it out loud and listen to their feedback. Every manager is different and they do not look for the same things, but what I did learn is that the answer you give is the time you get to show them a little bit of who you are as a person, outside of being a nurse looking for a job!

5. Get some rest the night before. (Try your best!)
Make sure you have your outfit prepared the night before, along with your paperwork, ready to go the next morning. Make sure you also have your commute to wherever your interview is all mapped out and commute time is factored in. I always say give yourself an extra 30 minutes to an hour before your interview start time to get settled, which includes finding the location of the institute/hospital, finding the location of where the interview is held, having time to use the restroom, and also just giving yourself some time to just "WOO-SAH" before you go into your interview. It is hard to not be nervous before an interview, but if you are rested and prepare, you will be okay.

6. Apply! Apply! Apply! And get as many interviews as you can. 
I was told that with interviews, you get better with time and experience. I think this is true because you become familiar with different interviewing styles and questions to have prepared for the next time Stay persistent and keep trying. The perfect job is out there for you. Stay positive and always pray and hope for the best to come because it will come.

Disclosure: This is all my own personal tips that I have learned from experience. Please use at your own discretion. 

Home Sweet Home

Where has the time gone? It is now December and I cannot believe it has been 2 months since I made my move from the Bay Area to Los Angeles. It has been difficult to balance everything going on in my personal and professional life, but it all takes time and practice. And most importantly, patience. But I am honestly enjoying every second of it! It helps to have the support of my friends, family, and Alex. 

On another note, here is the recap of my SHORT yet SWEET weekend back to the BAY!

The future papa and mama to be! I love these two and I wish them all the best with bringing my niece into the world. She will be loved by many. Baby girl we cannot wait for you!

This past Sunday, I flew back home to the Bay Area for my brother Kris's and his girlfriend, Sekela's baby shower. They are expecting a baby girl, Ai'ko Joy, due January 2017. (Oh and by the way, because I love to mention this to everyone, I am really happy that my niece will be getting my middle name Joy because I LOVE MY MIDDLE NAME lol. And it just flows.. Ai'ko Joy!)

I can honestly say it was so much fun being able to have Sunday off (Thank you to my assistant manager who made sure I was taken off the schedule) and fly home to be able to see my family and friends to help celebrate a new baby coming into the growing Obligacion family. The best part of any party my family has is obviously spending time with them because there are so many of us, but a new "tradition" I love seeing is the decorations that my cousin Michelle comes up with for the party. For this special occasion, she helped Kris and Sekela with a "Kate Spade" themed baby shower for my future. My brother Kris and Sekela have a lot of support from their friends and our family, so it was amazing to witness!

The table was perfection! Very simply and classy. And can we take a moment for the flowers my cousin Michelle made because they were sooooo adorable and paid attention to detail. She is so talented and needs to showcase her work at more parties in the future because it's just natural for her. 

I loved the cake. It definitely went along with the theme. The "cake lady" my family uses was found by my cousin Jonelle. She is bomb and has great pricing for cakes! She is the family's GO TO for cakes. 

Isn't Sekela just gorgeous? She is really ALL belly and man oh man I pray that I can be the same way once I decide to have babies (I know this will not be the case though, thanks Obligacion genes), BUT until then, I will just admire how amazing she looks and carries that belly! hehe These boxes were everything to me! I loved it. My cousins did an amazing job with helping plan and execute on this baby shower for my brother and Sekela. It sucked that I could not help with planning it because I live in LA, but they definitely did not even need me.

In addition to the baby shower, I was also able to visit my cousin Kaycee and meet the new addition to the family, Baby Sebastian Grayson. And oh man he is such a cutie! The family is definitely growing and I am loving it. It does suck that I am far away from my family, but I like to say "I am far, but not too far because I am just an hour flight away or 5 hour drive away." I am looking forward to what the future holds and I cannot wait to meet my niece. My baby brother is really going to be a father! So crazy, but I am so excited for him and Sekela. I cannot wait to spoil her even more!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Work Day vs. Day Off

Time management can be rough.. maybe easier said than done. It is honestly different for each person, simply because we all have our own individual lives. So how do I manage my own time, balancing my professional and personal life?

I am still trying to get used to working 12 hour shifts, because I always worked 8 hour shift days, unless I picked up some of that good ol' overtime. So how's it going? Actually, pretty well. Thank God!

Below is what a work day looks like for me..

5:30 am - Wake up wake up!
6:20 am - Drive to work
6: 40 am - Arrive to work
7:00 am - Time to "hit the floor running" so to speak..
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm - FOOD!
7:30 pm - CLOCK OUT
8:00 pm - Home Sweet Home
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm - Dinner, Shower, Wind down..
9:40 pm - BED TIME! Repeat in the am! (But of course, not everyday! Perks of working 12 hour shifts)

When I'm off..

I try to sleep in.. I shouldn't say try because it's not too hard lol but I try to be up by 9am. I make myself something to eat then head to the gym (on a great day). I've been adjusting to work and trying my best to work out on the days I am off, so I find that I have been exhausted afterwards. lol I LOVE NAPS, so yes if my day allows me to take a nap, by all means, I will be asleep.

Oh yes, and in between making breakfast and leaving for the gym, I try to throw in a load of laundry. I have been spoiled for many years from my mama who used to do my laundry and ironing, yes laundry and ironing! She is an amazing woman. When I first moved away from home and then to LA, I have learned to make sure laundry is done whenever I can squeeze it in, but usually, my days off are the perfect time to do it.

I will usually have dinner with Alex or meet up with my girl Jamiah for happy hour and run around doing errands! We definitely love a good happy hour. It is truly amazing to just relax and have some girl time. It makes me miss my cousins and friends back home, but having Alex and Jamiah definitely makes it easier to be away from the Bay.


-Wake up and sleep at the same time everyday
-Make meals in advance to help save money and reduce the temptations to buy fast food
-Do laundry when you can! Or on your days off.
-Set a day in the week you dedicate to house chores such as cleaning, vacuuming, laundry
-Treat yourself to a massage, manicure, pedicure
-Write down your "To-Do's" and then cross them out  (It helps you get things done & makes you feel accomplished.)
-Have ME time
-Have GIRL time
-Have QT with your special person
-Sleep.. NAP! (if you can)
-Drink lots of water
-ENJOY life and the process

It's not always easy to manage your time well, especially if you're new to an area or adjusting to a new work schedule or lifestyle. But stay consistent and know you are headed in the right direction! Trust the process. You will get it done!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pens! Planners! Patience! Oh my!

I love buying new planners when the new year is about to start! The problem I find when going to buy a new planner is which one do I want to buy? There are so many options when you go to Target or Michael's. For the remaining of the year, moving into the new year, I bought the Happy Planner from Michaels with a 50% coupon! It was definitely a great buy but even better because of the price in which I paid for it.

Folders from TJ Maxx, MacBook Pro, Staedtler Pens, Happy Planner Stickers and Planner

I just started using this Happy Planner and so far I am loving it. Aside from it being so girly and cute, it allows me to do so much creatively with it. I am still learning how I want to utilize the planner to its best ability. That might sound weird but the Happy Planner really allows its users to make it their own.

Happy Planner Stickers and Planner: Take a peek at my last week!

In addition to having a planner, I also use these print outs that I found online for free. I unfortunately do not remember the exact website, but you can easily go to google and type in "free calendar print outs" and click on images and go from there.  What I love about these weekly and monthly print outs, is the fact that it is free loose paper so I can place it where I wish. For example, the monthly calendar is on my refrigerator. I find it useful to write down the days I work since I do not work a typical 9-5 Monday-Friday job. It is also on the refrigerator, which is a place we both go to on a daily basis, as a reminder to Alex and me when important things are coming up that we should both know, such as when family or friends are coming to visit.

Weekly and Monthly Print Outs

Some of my tips on staying organized and on top of things:

1. Buy a planner or use your smartphone!
It doesn't have to be the Happy Planner or an expensive one. As long as it has a calendar, then you're golden. I also use my iPhone when plugging in important dates. It depends on you. I like to physically write things down and then check it off my list. It makes me feel like I've accomplished things for that day or week or month, etc. I also use post its! I write down my shopping list of things I need from the grocery store. You can even add this to your notes in your iPhone as well. 

2. Decide what works best for you on how you utilize your new planner. 
I personally use both the monthly and weekly sections of my planner. I love the monthly one because it gives me an overview of the month. I am able to plug in important dates and upcoming events that I need to remember. For the weekly part, I use that as my "To-Do's" section. On each day, I will write down what it is that I need to get done.

3. Use different colors!
It really helps me to organize things by color or with highlighters. You don't have to do this, but it has been helpful for me. I suggest creating your own "legend" with colors and what each color represents. 

4. Make it a habit! Set a reminder on your phone!
Try starting off your week by looking at your planner and seeing what you have coming up. It's a great way to remind you to get things done before its due date. I also set reminders on my phone for really important things. This can also be daily reminders such as taking out the trash every Wednesday night or stopping by the post office after work, etc. 

It takes time to find what works best for you, but once you find it, you're good. It honestly changes over time for me, especially with technology. Make your life easier and not harder. Going all electronically can be easy, especially if you tend to misplace things. Most people can keep a hold of their phone, so if you need to put in your important dates or reminders on your phone, that totally works!

Remember to have fun and be creative. This doesn't have to be a daunting task or chore for yourself. Make it your own! OWN IT! There is no right or wrong way. 

My Costco shopping list on a post it.

December Calendar with the colorful legend at the top.

This can be useful if you're a student or working or a stay at home mom or dad. It's important to know what is going on in your life from a daily to weekly to monthly basis. It also helps to visualize and see things laid out on paper, especially for me. It is helpful to know that I have a vacation coming up  or even my payday so it keeps me motivated. 

Find your motivation and drive to keep going! 

Find what works best for you and have patience and trust the process in which things are moving in your life. Stay positive and know God is always up to something! 

Everything happens for a reason!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Good-bye Bay Area.. Hello LA!

The move finally happened last Sunday! I am official a resident of the Los Angeles area. I can honestly say that I am blessed and lucky enough to have the support of my family and friends, but especially my family. The night before Alex and I drove down to LA, I had a family dinner at my favorite sushi spot called, "Sushi House" in Alameda. It was so much fun just being able to spend time with my crazy family that I absolutely cannot live without. 

This move is going to be difficult in the sense that I will not see my family as much; but I know this move is exactly what I have been wanting for a long time and am excited that it happened. Getting back to being so blessed with my crazy family... lol my cousin Michelle, better known as Chellz, helped with the move by being my copilot, even though she did fall asleep for a good 2 hours or so. The drive was not bad at all. We left around 4:30am and made it to our apartment a little after 10am. We followed Alex, who was driving the U-Haul, full of our things, which was a bit of a sight for sore eyes because I like to see what is ahead of me. I did move back and forth between lanes and let's just say Alex was not a huge fan of that. LOL 

We were also blessed to have Alex's friend Devon help us with getting moved into our apartment. Right when we pulled into the apartment, there Devon was on his motorcycle! Chellz and Devon were really amazing help because they helped us with ideas and just having two extra bodies to help lift, move, unpack, throw out, build, etc. doubled the amount of stuff we got done all in one day. 

It also helps to have the opinions and input from both a male and a female that is not Alex or me. This helped when Alex and I did not agree on some things or when I wanted something one way and Alex did not seem to see it my way, and vice versa. This will be something I will blog about later on. Learning how to compromise

Alex and Devon were able to stay at the apartment to build our dresser and entertainment stand, while Chellz and I ran around Costco on a Sunday (never again will I go to the Costco in Burbank on a Sunday, well Costcos in general are crazy on a Sunday, but that Burbank location is definitely something else!) and then hit up one of my favorite stores, Home Goods. I can literally walk around Home Goods for a good amount of time, just imagining and putting ideas together in my head. Chellz was there of course to help me keep track of my time and keep it moving. She does not play with time and being patient is not one of her finest skills. 

We did not go to sleep until past 2am, but we got a whole lot done. My cousin Chellz kept telling me how good we were with putting everything in its right place and buying a lot of the stuff on that same day of moving in. I told her that it wouldn't have gone that way if Devon and her were not there to help us out. To say the very least, we were exhausted the next day, but maybe not as bad as Alex, because he had to go to work on Monday morning. Monday was still filled with running to stores to exchange or return some stuff, then hitting up Costco once again. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday still involved running to Target or Home Goods. Sheesh! But hey it is now Saturday and it finally feels like we are settled into our apartment. 

I'm still tired, but I can only imagine how Alex feels because he worked everyday this week. I am very proud of him for all of his hard work thus far and I hope I can continue to show him that his hard work does not go unnoticed. He came home last Monday night and unpacked the rest of his belongings, leaving the apartment box free! Oh yes, people think that the women have more clothes and shoes, but in this case, Alex is giving me a run for my money. lol I did not realize how much stuff we both had moving out to LA, but also how much stuff we DID NOT have, which left us needing to make our apartment feel like HOME

Well... Hello weekend! I can't wait to see what new adventures we get into this weekend... 
Our first weekend living in LA!

Friday, October 7, 2016

House Warming Gifts

My cousin Melissa, also known as Sissa, has always been very thoughtful when it comes to buying gifts or just doing little small gestures that always go a long way. When I told my family that I was having a going away dinner, I did not expect any gifts because their presence was all I wanted. And their presence is exactly what I got and I left leaving I know I have their blessing and support. Plus, I know they will be coming to visit soon. And LA isn't that far from the Bay Area, which helps.

Going back to Sissa.. let me give you a little background since this blog post is pretty much in dedication to her. My family used to call us, "two peas in a pod." We went to St. Mary's college together, which is when our relationship as cousins grew and we really spent a lot of time together. She definitely understands me and my quirkiness. This is all probably true because we share similar qualities and traits. 

But here is the thoughtful gift Sissa bought for me. I know a couple days prior to me leaving, I was hanging out with Sissa and her sister Chellz and talking about being so excited for the move and really excited about buying all the little things to add to the apartment. And of course, board games was something that came up. Sissa surprises me with Monopoly that was wrapped so beautifully by Chellz... I believe it was Chellz... lol but it was Chellz's ribbon that was used. And come to find out that evening she had never used that ribbon before so I am honored to say that the red ribbon was first used for me. 

On top of the Monopoly game... Sissa surprises me yet again on Monday morning! I did not realize that her sister Chellz was asking me for my address to give it to Sissa. Come to my surprise, I received a knock on the door and opened it up to a beautiful arrangement of flowers sent to Alex and me by Sissa and her boyfriend Randall. I was so surprised and very excited about the flowers that I of course had to make sure I cleared off the dining room table that had a huge mess of stuff on it from the move in order to take the perfect picture. Learning how to take better photos is on my long list of to-do's, things to learn, things to accomplish, goals, etc. But anyways, her thoughtful message meant the world to me. Something so little as flowers can make a big difference, but honestly, it was her message that went along with the flowers that filled me up with joy. 

I always believe the saying, "It's the thought that counts!" Gestures, big or small, will always mean the most to me when I know the thought and effort behind it was there.

I am forever thankful to my friends and family that have supported me throughout the years. I am thankful to God for this opportunity and continuous blessings to be able to move to LA and start a new chapter and adventure in my life. I am blessed and humbled by everything that has happened to me, good and bad, because I try to look at life with the attitude of "the glass is half full" and try my best to see the positive in everything that happens. Life has many lessons that I am still learning and I look forward to learning what life has to offer me as long as I remember to thank God everyday and show those around me that I appreciate having them in my life.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

This Move is Really Happening!

I am currently in the process of moving to the Los Angeles area! Literally finalizing a few things and then of course once I get to LA, I'll need to go to different stores in order to really feel like I'm settled. But there is so much more that goes into moving to a new city, especially when it is about 5 hours away from where I currently live. So what's involved with making a move like this? Pretty much... I'll say it takes a lot of persistence and patience, but most of all, it takes courage. I am still shocked myself that I am really making this move to LA.

I can honestly say that I am feeling different emotions, but right now, the excitement overwhelms everything else that I am feeling. I have never moved outside of the Bay Area.... other than when I moved to Vacaville, California of February of this year. Even with this move, I was still just an hour away from where my family lives, which is in Hayward, California. So this move will definitely be different from what I am used to.

I come from a large family who all for the most part, lives in the Bay Area. The closer it comes to the day I drive down to LA, the more it starts to hit me that I am really going to be moving and I can't just drive an hour to see my family. So it does make me sad to think that I will not able to attend all the family parties, go to church on Sundays with my cousin Michelle, or visit my cousins's sons in Hayward; but I have always wanted to move to LA since I was in college. I never moved for a number of reasons, but most of all, being afraid was the number one reason. I finally decided that this is what I really want to do because the timing was just right. I will discuss later the process and how everything literally just fell into place for me. I choose to believe it is because "everything happens for a reason" and it is truly in God's plan for me to do this, or else it wouldn't have worked so well in my favor to make this move.

More to come!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

What do you do [for a living?]

I find that when you meet new people, one of the first questions to come up is.. “What do you do?” And for me, “What are you?” “What are you mixed with?” “What’s your ethnicity?” But that is a whole other topic that I will possibly discuss at another time!

So “What do you do?” I get this question all the time, which doesn’t bother me at all because I am proud to say that I am a Registered Nurse. It is amazing the responses I get from new people that I meet when I tell them I am a Registered Nurse. It also varies from the age range of the people that I meet. But all in all, people respect nurses. It is one of the most trusted professions.

If you are thinking about becoming a RN, all I can say is GO FOR IT. I love what I do as a RN and honestly, yes the income that comes along with it does make for a great career and living; however, if I did not enjoy what I do as a RN, then it would not be worth it. I can honestly say to people who want to become a RN, do it because you enjoy caring for other people, you want to make a difference in the lives of the people you care for and their family and friends. If you do not enjoy doing that, then nursing will just be something you dread day to day. There is great flexibility in the field of nursing which is awesome for those who do not want to take care of patients at the bedside and for those who are easily bored… i.e. ME. I am one to say that I get bored very easily and I crave to have something that keeps me intrigued and engaged.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Try Something New

I decided to start blogging almost a year ago now; however, the idea of it seemed far easier than actually getting it done. I wasn’t sure what to include on this blog or where to start. I started off by writing my ideas down on a white blank sheet of paper. I still have a picture of it, just to remind me of where my ideas started. The idea also came from following a blog from Laura Lacquer, titled, "A Little Bit of Lacquer."  I followed her on instagram and then found myself going on to her blog more and more. What caught my eye? She was a female in the medical field, living her life and sharing it with the world, yet still finding the time to balance it all and make it look fun. She is still very motivating!

In late December of last year I decided to temporarily suspend my instagram page in order to… “focus.” I found that I spent a lot of my time going from page to page on Instagram and then going from a friend’s page and ended up on a friend’s sister’s ex’s cousin’s mom’s page. Lol Well.. you get the point. Social media can be very distracting! But with all things in life, balance is always key. Easier said than done. In addition to suspending my instagram page, I also decided to delete my snapchat app. I don’t have facebook, so I didn’t have to worry about making yet another social media decision. I didn’t have any social media access from December through about March. I can remember when I downloaded my snapchat app again because it is the same month that I took my younger cousin Jozlyn to see Justin Bieber on his Purpose Tour in San Jose, California. The “break” from social media felt amazing to me. I didn’t find myself waking up in the morning and checking my snapchat immediately or going on instagram.

So why did I decide to bring back my instagram and snapchat and on top of that, create a blog? Crazy right? I literally logged into my instagram account today while waiting for a delayed flight in Phoenix, Arizona. I came to the realization that I enjoy writing. I am a private person, even my family says that I am private, yet I am very close to my family; however, I am trying to break out of my comfort zone and try to use my passion for writing to maybe help others who come across my blog.

I am honestly not sure where this will go.. if it will end up just being my way of relaxing and letting out my thoughts, but I am excited to finally get my ideas going. Wish me luck!

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