Monday, February 27, 2017

Take Care of Yourself

Being a floor nurse means the stress on my body is pretty much a given! This is why it is so important to take care of your mind and body! I have been experiencing body aches lately, which reminded me that I need to a "reset" and really be mindful of how I move my body and how I treat it, both mentally and physically.

I decided to go get a Thai combination massage, which was my first time and it was truly amazing. I felt better immediately after the massage. Another week went by and I still noticed that same aching feeling in my lower back. I decided to mention it to my trainer and he had the massage therapist see me after our training session. The massage therapist only touched on one spot that immediately relieved some pressure. I was shocked! I'll have to ask him what the name of that muscle is again because it was so tight. I decided that I must make an appointment with him asap! Luckily he had an appointment that same day, so I did studio cycling and relaxed in the sauna before my massage. It was not the easiest massage to just relax in because he really worked on my knots and those tight areas. Needless to say, my back has not been aching since then. That same evening, I was instructed to take a bath with epsom salt for 20 minutes. And ahhhh.. the rest is history. LOL 

This was a sweet gift from Alex.
I have never used a bath bomb before this and
I am excited to try each and every one of these. 

Take care of your mind and soul. How? Well there are many ways, some use adult coloring books as a way to relax. I am new to adult coloring books. Alex ordered two different adult coloring books for us. I loved the idea and love him for getting them for us; however, I was a little unsure about how I would like it because it looks so overwhelming. Not sure if it is just me and how I view these coloring books, but I think the main thing is using it as time to unwind and just relax. I'll honestly try to not to think too hard on choosing the right colors. Do you guys like adult coloring books? I have been seeing them everywhere. 

I have not started coloring anything quite yet,
only because the night Alex gave this to me was also the night
I smashed my right thumb finger in the bathroom door while at work.
Yes, but that was on Saturday night and happy to say my finger is doing much better!

So in addition to massages, working out, adult coloring books, I cannot leave out the most important thing.. eating and eating healthy for that matter. Eating healthy is not easy and it has been difficult for me to try and stay on track. Especially with moving to Los Angeles and pretty much just being lazy to meal prep. But let me tell you what really "put me into check" and I knew I had to do better for myself, which really meant consistency. I put on my favorite leather jacket and it was a tad bit too snug for my liking. I was truly upset and just feeling like yuck. So yes.. Consistency with anything in life is really what causes change to happen. It has been 2 weeks for eating meal preps and no sweets! Yikes.. it gets better when you stick to it and really start to feel the difference. I really just feel more energized and not sluggish. I would make excuses for eating out and not working out and using work as an excuse, but that got old really quick. Mind over matter is really all it is. I know life gets busy and we all have our own individual lives. But if you really want something, just start off with baby steps and really listen to your body, it will thank you later. 

My fitness journey, along with eating healthy and taking care of my mind and soul, maintaining a balance is always a work in progress. I'll share more about my fitness and healthy eating journey in more detail on a post to come soon! So until then just do what feels right and treat yourself the best way you deserve. You have one life and you deserve it all. 

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