Friday, October 7, 2016

House Warming Gifts

My cousin Melissa, also known as Sissa, has always been very thoughtful when it comes to buying gifts or just doing little small gestures that always go a long way. When I told my family that I was having a going away dinner, I did not expect any gifts because their presence was all I wanted. And their presence is exactly what I got and I left leaving I know I have their blessing and support. Plus, I know they will be coming to visit soon. And LA isn't that far from the Bay Area, which helps.

Going back to Sissa.. let me give you a little background since this blog post is pretty much in dedication to her. My family used to call us, "two peas in a pod." We went to St. Mary's college together, which is when our relationship as cousins grew and we really spent a lot of time together. She definitely understands me and my quirkiness. This is all probably true because we share similar qualities and traits. 

But here is the thoughtful gift Sissa bought for me. I know a couple days prior to me leaving, I was hanging out with Sissa and her sister Chellz and talking about being so excited for the move and really excited about buying all the little things to add to the apartment. And of course, board games was something that came up. Sissa surprises me with Monopoly that was wrapped so beautifully by Chellz... I believe it was Chellz... lol but it was Chellz's ribbon that was used. And come to find out that evening she had never used that ribbon before so I am honored to say that the red ribbon was first used for me. 

On top of the Monopoly game... Sissa surprises me yet again on Monday morning! I did not realize that her sister Chellz was asking me for my address to give it to Sissa. Come to my surprise, I received a knock on the door and opened it up to a beautiful arrangement of flowers sent to Alex and me by Sissa and her boyfriend Randall. I was so surprised and very excited about the flowers that I of course had to make sure I cleared off the dining room table that had a huge mess of stuff on it from the move in order to take the perfect picture. Learning how to take better photos is on my long list of to-do's, things to learn, things to accomplish, goals, etc. But anyways, her thoughtful message meant the world to me. Something so little as flowers can make a big difference, but honestly, it was her message that went along with the flowers that filled me up with joy. 

I always believe the saying, "It's the thought that counts!" Gestures, big or small, will always mean the most to me when I know the thought and effort behind it was there.

I am forever thankful to my friends and family that have supported me throughout the years. I am thankful to God for this opportunity and continuous blessings to be able to move to LA and start a new chapter and adventure in my life. I am blessed and humbled by everything that has happened to me, good and bad, because I try to look at life with the attitude of "the glass is half full" and try my best to see the positive in everything that happens. Life has many lessons that I am still learning and I look forward to learning what life has to offer me as long as I remember to thank God everyday and show those around me that I appreciate having them in my life.

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