Saturday, August 20, 2016

Try Something New

I decided to start blogging almost a year ago now; however, the idea of it seemed far easier than actually getting it done. I wasn’t sure what to include on this blog or where to start. I started off by writing my ideas down on a white blank sheet of paper. I still have a picture of it, just to remind me of where my ideas started. The idea also came from following a blog from Laura Lacquer, titled, "A Little Bit of Lacquer."  I followed her on instagram and then found myself going on to her blog more and more. What caught my eye? She was a female in the medical field, living her life and sharing it with the world, yet still finding the time to balance it all and make it look fun. She is still very motivating!

In late December of last year I decided to temporarily suspend my instagram page in order to… “focus.” I found that I spent a lot of my time going from page to page on Instagram and then going from a friend’s page and ended up on a friend’s sister’s ex’s cousin’s mom’s page. Lol Well.. you get the point. Social media can be very distracting! But with all things in life, balance is always key. Easier said than done. In addition to suspending my instagram page, I also decided to delete my snapchat app. I don’t have facebook, so I didn’t have to worry about making yet another social media decision. I didn’t have any social media access from December through about March. I can remember when I downloaded my snapchat app again because it is the same month that I took my younger cousin Jozlyn to see Justin Bieber on his Purpose Tour in San Jose, California. The “break” from social media felt amazing to me. I didn’t find myself waking up in the morning and checking my snapchat immediately or going on instagram.

So why did I decide to bring back my instagram and snapchat and on top of that, create a blog? Crazy right? I literally logged into my instagram account today while waiting for a delayed flight in Phoenix, Arizona. I came to the realization that I enjoy writing. I am a private person, even my family says that I am private, yet I am very close to my family; however, I am trying to break out of my comfort zone and try to use my passion for writing to maybe help others who come across my blog.

I am honestly not sure where this will go.. if it will end up just being my way of relaxing and letting out my thoughts, but I am excited to finally get my ideas going. Wish me luck!

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