Sunday, November 13, 2016

Work Day vs. Day Off

Time management can be rough.. maybe easier said than done. It is honestly different for each person, simply because we all have our own individual lives. So how do I manage my own time, balancing my professional and personal life?

I am still trying to get used to working 12 hour shifts, because I always worked 8 hour shift days, unless I picked up some of that good ol' overtime. So how's it going? Actually, pretty well. Thank God!

Below is what a work day looks like for me..

5:30 am - Wake up wake up!
6:20 am - Drive to work
6: 40 am - Arrive to work
7:00 am - Time to "hit the floor running" so to speak..
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm - FOOD!
7:30 pm - CLOCK OUT
8:00 pm - Home Sweet Home
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm - Dinner, Shower, Wind down..
9:40 pm - BED TIME! Repeat in the am! (But of course, not everyday! Perks of working 12 hour shifts)

When I'm off..

I try to sleep in.. I shouldn't say try because it's not too hard lol but I try to be up by 9am. I make myself something to eat then head to the gym (on a great day). I've been adjusting to work and trying my best to work out on the days I am off, so I find that I have been exhausted afterwards. lol I LOVE NAPS, so yes if my day allows me to take a nap, by all means, I will be asleep.

Oh yes, and in between making breakfast and leaving for the gym, I try to throw in a load of laundry. I have been spoiled for many years from my mama who used to do my laundry and ironing, yes laundry and ironing! She is an amazing woman. When I first moved away from home and then to LA, I have learned to make sure laundry is done whenever I can squeeze it in, but usually, my days off are the perfect time to do it.

I will usually have dinner with Alex or meet up with my girl Jamiah for happy hour and run around doing errands! We definitely love a good happy hour. It is truly amazing to just relax and have some girl time. It makes me miss my cousins and friends back home, but having Alex and Jamiah definitely makes it easier to be away from the Bay.


-Wake up and sleep at the same time everyday
-Make meals in advance to help save money and reduce the temptations to buy fast food
-Do laundry when you can! Or on your days off.
-Set a day in the week you dedicate to house chores such as cleaning, vacuuming, laundry
-Treat yourself to a massage, manicure, pedicure
-Write down your "To-Do's" and then cross them out  (It helps you get things done & makes you feel accomplished.)
-Have ME time
-Have GIRL time
-Have QT with your special person
-Sleep.. NAP! (if you can)
-Drink lots of water
-ENJOY life and the process

It's not always easy to manage your time well, especially if you're new to an area or adjusting to a new work schedule or lifestyle. But stay consistent and know you are headed in the right direction! Trust the process. You will get it done!

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