Saturday, October 8, 2016

Good-bye Bay Area.. Hello LA!

The move finally happened last Sunday! I am official a resident of the Los Angeles area. I can honestly say that I am blessed and lucky enough to have the support of my family and friends, but especially my family. The night before Alex and I drove down to LA, I had a family dinner at my favorite sushi spot called, "Sushi House" in Alameda. It was so much fun just being able to spend time with my crazy family that I absolutely cannot live without. 

This move is going to be difficult in the sense that I will not see my family as much; but I know this move is exactly what I have been wanting for a long time and am excited that it happened. Getting back to being so blessed with my crazy family... lol my cousin Michelle, better known as Chellz, helped with the move by being my copilot, even though she did fall asleep for a good 2 hours or so. The drive was not bad at all. We left around 4:30am and made it to our apartment a little after 10am. We followed Alex, who was driving the U-Haul, full of our things, which was a bit of a sight for sore eyes because I like to see what is ahead of me. I did move back and forth between lanes and let's just say Alex was not a huge fan of that. LOL 

We were also blessed to have Alex's friend Devon help us with getting moved into our apartment. Right when we pulled into the apartment, there Devon was on his motorcycle! Chellz and Devon were really amazing help because they helped us with ideas and just having two extra bodies to help lift, move, unpack, throw out, build, etc. doubled the amount of stuff we got done all in one day. 

It also helps to have the opinions and input from both a male and a female that is not Alex or me. This helped when Alex and I did not agree on some things or when I wanted something one way and Alex did not seem to see it my way, and vice versa. This will be something I will blog about later on. Learning how to compromise

Alex and Devon were able to stay at the apartment to build our dresser and entertainment stand, while Chellz and I ran around Costco on a Sunday (never again will I go to the Costco in Burbank on a Sunday, well Costcos in general are crazy on a Sunday, but that Burbank location is definitely something else!) and then hit up one of my favorite stores, Home Goods. I can literally walk around Home Goods for a good amount of time, just imagining and putting ideas together in my head. Chellz was there of course to help me keep track of my time and keep it moving. She does not play with time and being patient is not one of her finest skills. 

We did not go to sleep until past 2am, but we got a whole lot done. My cousin Chellz kept telling me how good we were with putting everything in its right place and buying a lot of the stuff on that same day of moving in. I told her that it wouldn't have gone that way if Devon and her were not there to help us out. To say the very least, we were exhausted the next day, but maybe not as bad as Alex, because he had to go to work on Monday morning. Monday was still filled with running to stores to exchange or return some stuff, then hitting up Costco once again. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday still involved running to Target or Home Goods. Sheesh! But hey it is now Saturday and it finally feels like we are settled into our apartment. 

I'm still tired, but I can only imagine how Alex feels because he worked everyday this week. I am very proud of him for all of his hard work thus far and I hope I can continue to show him that his hard work does not go unnoticed. He came home last Monday night and unpacked the rest of his belongings, leaving the apartment box free! Oh yes, people think that the women have more clothes and shoes, but in this case, Alex is giving me a run for my money. lol I did not realize how much stuff we both had moving out to LA, but also how much stuff we DID NOT have, which left us needing to make our apartment feel like HOME

Well... Hello weekend! I can't wait to see what new adventures we get into this weekend... 
Our first weekend living in LA!

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