Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tips for Nursing Interviews

Since it's December and I know many nursing students are finishing up their semester with finals and some are even graduating this month, I wanted to share some QUICK TIPS for nursing interviews! Good luck to all the future RNs out there! YOU GOT THIS!

1. Look the part!
Make sure you are well groomed. I have a nose ring, but I make sure to remove this before interviews. Ladies, wear makeup, but do not go overboard with it. Just enough to show you are presentable. I had a charge nurse tell me later that she loved my eyebrows and during my interview, she could not pay attention to anything I said because she was "distracted" by how nice my eyebrows looked. Now obviously having nice eyebrows and distracting her was not the goal, but she remembered who I was and made sure to point out my "nice eyebrows" to another charge nurse on my first day of orientation. lol Make sure your hair does not distract you during your interview or you are tempted to "play with your hair." I try to make sure my nails are cut and clean. I love a good manicure and gel polish, but for interviews, I avoid any type of polish! Also make sure you are wearing something comfortable but professional. Make sure your clothes are ironed or dry cleaned. You want to dress to impress!

2. Bring extra copies of your resume, cover letter, and references.
You want to make sure you are prepared for who will be in your interview. I have interviewed with just the unit manager, the unit manager and assistant manager, and I also had a panel interview with the unit manager and 6 charge nurses. Having extra copies on hand will show the manager and who ever else is in the interview that you are well prepared.

I will be posting soon about tips for resumes and also allowing people to send me their resumes for a free "clean up" and edit. Stay tuned! 

3. Put your paperwork in a nice folder. 
I remember a nurse manager from a PALS certification class told the students that the folders applicants put their papers in can sometimes play a factor. I have been in interviews where they remove the folders and give it right back to me, while some do keep it. I think it just goes along with showing the manager you care about the "whole package." Do not go out there and spend so much on folders but consider the "whole package."

4. Practice interview questions.
I will post another blog of example questions that I was asked during nursing interviews, as well as give some examples of my own questions and answers that I typed out and practiced. You do not want to sound "rehearsed" during your interview; however, you do want to sound like you know what you are talking about and do not get stumped on a question that you should know how to answer. A lot of things can be simple as "describe yourself." I would take the time to write out what you would say and have someone proofread it or hear you say it out loud and listen to their feedback. Every manager is different and they do not look for the same things, but what I did learn is that the answer you give is the time you get to show them a little bit of who you are as a person, outside of being a nurse looking for a job!

5. Get some rest the night before. (Try your best!)
Make sure you have your outfit prepared the night before, along with your paperwork, ready to go the next morning. Make sure you also have your commute to wherever your interview is all mapped out and commute time is factored in. I always say give yourself an extra 30 minutes to an hour before your interview start time to get settled, which includes finding the location of the institute/hospital, finding the location of where the interview is held, having time to use the restroom, and also just giving yourself some time to just "WOO-SAH" before you go into your interview. It is hard to not be nervous before an interview, but if you are rested and prepare, you will be okay.

6. Apply! Apply! Apply! And get as many interviews as you can. 
I was told that with interviews, you get better with time and experience. I think this is true because you become familiar with different interviewing styles and questions to have prepared for the next time Stay persistent and keep trying. The perfect job is out there for you. Stay positive and always pray and hope for the best to come because it will come.

Disclosure: This is all my own personal tips that I have learned from experience. Please use at your own discretion. 

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