Friday, February 17, 2017

When "life" gets in the way?

Just FYI.. this is a late post that I wrote on Valentine's Day...

Where has the time gone? I know I have taken a little hiatus from blogging. It is crazy to see that my last blog was on December 15.. two months ago! Wow.. It was not intentional, but I just became busy with the holidays, work, and my personal life. But I can't use it as an excuse. I missed blogging. It does take a lot of time to sit and type away or think about what I want to blog about; however, I enjoy it. It helps me de-stress when things seem to be getting overwhelming. It's a nice little escape for me.

So what have I been up to?

Personal life... My beautiful niece Aiko Joy was born on January 28 and I was able to fly back home the weekend after she was born. It was nice and crazy at the same time to see my baby brother pushing a stroller and taking care of a baby. But it was all amazing and sweet to witness. I am so proud of him and his girlfriend Sekela. I do not know what it is like to carry a baby and even how to take care of one. It honestly scares me, but I know when the timing is right, God will bless me with one. I just hope and pray it's not for another few years. lol Yes I am 28 years old and like my Tita Judy texts me, "Steph, you know you're not getting any older." I know I am not lol, but I want to use the rest of my 20's as a time to continue to grow, build a foundation, travel, and just enjoy spending time with Alex, just the two of us.

Aiko Joy in her adorable Valentine's Day outfit

My beautiful mama and niece Aiko Joy

What have Alex and I been up to? We have been taking advantage of living in so-cal and channeling our inner child at theme parks.. more specifically, Disneyland and Universal Studios, which we hold annual passes for both. I guess it was the most natural thing for us to do since we are newbies to the area. I am not sure if we will out grow this theme park binge of ours, but in the mean time, I'll enjoy it as much as possible, well because, that is what life is about. Also, we are in the process of finally furnishing our balcony. And to say the least, we definitely butt heads when it came to shopping for the furniture and deciding on what to get. And to my defense, after being out all day, working 7 days straight, going to Costco, then Ikea with no food in your stomach.. I can get a little cranky.. okay I ate an energy bar before walking into Ikea, lol But let's just say, it was all because I had work the next day. I blame it on having to work the next day. I swear it makes a difference, especially for me. It may be mindset, but I love getting my 8 hours of sleep. Lately, it's been more 6 or 7 hours of sleep, but sleep is so important to me. I have to get my mind mentally prepared.. my body needs to just be relaxing the night before as much as possible, rarely happens lol.. So I truly appreciate Alex for receiving my "attitude" in the best way possible.

I love Disneyland during the holidays because of all the lights!

Work... Work is work! No... It has actually been going really well at my full time RN position. I am learning more and more about the hospital and I can honestly say, I have an amazing group of coworkers, which makes the world's difference. Working on the floor, a medical-surgical floor can be difficult, rewarding of course, but also stressful. But I see it as this being the truth for many other jobs and professions. I love being a nurse. I love taking care of my patients, especially the ones I build a close relationship. It is difficult though when a relationship is built and the patient is not doing so well.. and they may not even live.. that is hard. And I actually experienced this not too long ago and it was sad. I do not know where or how the patient is doing now, but I start to tear up about it now just writing about it. And to keep moving forward with my nursing career, I decided to take on a per diem position at another magnet hospital. I am so excited to start working at my second hospital and some may think I am crazy for adding on the 7 days I already am committed to in a 2 week pay period, but I am all about growing in my nursing career and just seeing what other hospitals have to offer their nurses. Plus, I cannot deny the idea of earning some extra income.

Today is Valentine's Day (remember this is a late post) and I had a pretty low key evening.. Alex and I went to a restaurant in Studio City called Firefly. The food was good. We did not care for their "red velvet cake," which is why I was happy I stopped by this little shop in Valley Village called, "Pacific Cheesecake Company." Alex and I first went to this shop maybe almost two years ago while on a mini vacation out here. They have a variety of mini cheesecakes. Alex loves cheesecake so I thought it could be something quick and easy to get, but also thoughtful as well. I didn't make Alex a homemade Valentine's Day card, which I did plan on making; however, patio furniture at Ikea happened. LOL But all in all, the day went well. I went to a class for nursing computer training, then headed back home. Well, it actually wasn't as low key.. Alex came home early and we headed back to Ikea to return an item we purchased. Mind you... our dinner reservations were set for 6:15pm and we left Studio City to head to Ikea in Burbank around 4:30pm. Hmm.. we made our reservations by 6:30pm, which we made sure was okay. And it was.. and we enjoyed our evening. But it did not end there, we then went to Target, well because I love Target, but I have not been to Target in a long time, which is shocking, guess I have just been too occupied with other things, but also maybe because I do not care for the Target in North Hollywood. LOL But yes, we went to target to get some household items, but really for some lights to decorate our mini balcony patio. I can't wait for it to all come together. I hope to post some pictures once it is all complete.

Here's a pic of my mini routine before getting ready for Valentine's Day! LOL
I'm using the boscia mask from Sephora. Amazing!
Hair freshly washed, yet nothing was done to it because I was rushing to get ready after our Ikea run.
LOL Sometimes you have to just do what you can,
so keeping it straight worked just fine!

This dessert was the restaurant's play on "red velvet."
It was interesting to say the least.. hehe

SO that is my little life update. I hope it helps people understand that life is not perfect and sometimes we just need some time for a little "pause" and get things "back on track." Try your best to not let "life" get in the way. If we allow ourselves to try to find a balance with what we have going on and keep a positive attitude and mindset, then things will fall into place. Everything happens for a reason. Trust in God and believe in yourself.

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