Tuesday, February 28, 2017

When the Kids Come to Play

This is the first time Alex and I have babysat for his niece and nephew, Kendell and Titan, respectively overnight for a few days. Kendell is 4 and Titan will be 3 on March 8. Well, come to think of it, this is the first time we have ever babysat overnight for anyone. But I think it is safe to say, it is a lot easier when it's family of course. I was a little nervous about taking care of a 3 and 4 year old, especially overnight because I have never done it before. But, it was reassuring that Alex was there to start it off. I had to work the first 2 days while Kendell and Titan stayed with us, so it was all him. I am very proud to say that he does really well with kids. He was amazing with getting breakfast going, making lunch, giving baths and putting them to sleep.. oh and cannot forget about nap time. He told me that I am "too nice." Well, guess it is just my personality. I can be firm but I am told all the time, I am soft spoken and calm, but hey it all worked out well. 

So more to the fun part of their stay. I wanted to make sure they had fun while staying with us, because of course, they are away from home and this is their little getaway with their Uncle Alex and Auntie Steph. They are really so well behaved and this is not being biased at all. Granted they are kids and have their little spurts of when they need to be told, "No running. You have to share. Go to sleep now." But no tantrums and they are pretty well occupied with not much to do. 

Thankfully my bestie Jamiah, Auntie Miah came over to save the day with an idea I had with baking with them. There is a place on Melrose called Cake Mix, which allows kids to decorate a cake or cupcakes, but with timing, two kids, and the price they were charging, I figured, hey I can do this all at home and still make it really fun for them.  Jamiah came through with the quick and easy ingredients for baking and decorating so all in all, cupcake decorating turned out to be a success. 

Blue frosting for Titan and Pink frosting for Kendell. 

Titan had more fun biting into the cupcake before decorating it with frosting. A mess was made, but nothing too crazy that I could not clean up in the end. Kendell didn't eat any of her master pieces because she made them for her Uncle Alex and her friend Kara who lives back in the Bay. She also enjoyed just licking the frosting and eating her pink sprinkles. 

Uncle Alex enjoyed his cupcakes after his long day at work.

This little fun activity was so easy and fun to do with them. It did not cost much at all and it was all done in the comfort of my home. It was a lot of help to have Auntie Miah help us out. Plus, they enjoyed having her here to play with as well. They showed off their dance moves while watching Frozen and also had some snapchat fun with her. Oh and a little sidenote for myself.. BUY MORE STRAWBERRIES for the decorations and for snacking while decorating. LOL We definitely went through them very quickly and Kendell was asking for more. =/ 

Don't they look so good?
Uncle Alex had his share of one blue and one pink cupcake and enjoyed them both!
I did my best and didn't eat any and man it was hard.
Thank goodness for the frosting that got on my fingers and the strawberries that quickly disappeared.

And so now.. on to the next project for these two. More to come about their little adventures with Uncle Alex and Auntie Steph in LA. Oh and Auntie Miah of course! =)

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